Giving, More Important Than Selling?

Reciprocity in social psychology refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action, and responding to a negative action with another negative one.

When people are mentally in the stages of “Buying” one of their biggest fears and that which they seek to avoid is “Risk” – People try to minimize the risk of their decision being the wrong one for a number of different reasons. Therefore “Giving” before expecting to make a sale is a great risk reversal strategy to employ as part of your wider marketing strategy.

What can you give? Well the easiest thing to give is INFORMATION. Its free to you, and potentially the most useful thing you could impart to somebody who is mentally experiencing the stages of “Buying”. Your in a perfect position to inform a prospect searching for your types of products and services, because you should have a decent level of knowledge about your market.

You can give information in the form of a free consultation, via a web page, or a free download (Video, eBook, audio). Of course there are other things you can give too. Guarantees, “Try before you buy” deals, bundled packages – any incentive is great to give, but understanding the psychology of your prospect when in the buying process is essential. They are trying to avoid risk and at the same time looking for a solution. Read more about how to steer a prospect towards choosing your business in this article: “Forget selling, THIS will get you more customers

“Giving First” is not only great to practice in life but it really works in business to. Make it part of your overall marketing strategy. If you would like help developing such a strategy, get in touch via email or telephone and quote “Giving” for a surprise free gift!